Two Syos artists in the Japanese Saxophone Magazine Sax World!

Two Syos artists in the Japanese Saxophone Magazine Sax World!

I was so happy when I discovered the latest volume of the Japanese magazine specialized in saxophone, Sax World! Indeed, two Syos artists are featured in it! Discover who in this article.

Last year, when I was in Japan, I told you about Sax World magazine in a newsletter. To my knowledge, Japan is the only country that publishes not one, but TWO print magazines every quarter, totally dedicated to the saxophone! These are The Sax and Sax World.

Last year I was proud to present volume 29, featuring our artist Tomoaki Baba on the cover.

This year, I'm proud to present volume 32, this time featuring the group MOS, which I mentioned in this article a while back.

MOS is an all-female quartet reinventing fanfare with their unique style that fuses traditional fanfare with more modern elements and energetic choreography.

As shown in this photo, Lotta plays on a Daro Behroozi signature tenor mouthpiece in opening 6.

And that's not all, in the same magazine we discover another Syos mouthpiece!

This time it's the fabulous Patrick Bartley who is interviewed. In fact, I was contacted by one of the magazine's journalists to find out more about his mouthpiece.

Although originally from the USA, Patrick currently lives in Japan. It was in Tokyo that I met him for the first time.

We've just released his signature mouthpiece, which is quite similar to the Meyer he had before, but more flexible, powerful and easier to play.